A wrapper function around qc_read to read multiple FastQC data files at once.
qc_read_collection(files, sample_names, modules = "all", verbose = TRUE)
A character
vector of paths to the files to be imported.
A character
vector of length equals that of the first argument files
Character vector containing the names of FastQC modules for which you want to import/inspect the data. Default is all. Allowed values include one or the combination of:
"Basic Statistics",
"Per base sequence quality",
"Per tile sequence quality",
"Per sequence quality scores",
"Per base sequence content",
"Per sequence GC content",
"Per base N content",
"Sequence Length Distribution",
"Sequence Duplication Levels",
"Overrepresented sequences",
"Adapter Content",
"Kmer Content"
Partial match of module names allowed. For example, you can use modules = "GC content", instead of the full names modules = "Per sequence GC content".
logical value. If TRUE, print filename when reading.
A list
of tibbles
containing the data of specified modules form each file.
# extract paths to the demo files
qc.dir <- system.file("fastqc_results", package = "fastqcr")
qc.files <- list.files(qc.dir, full.names = TRUE)[1:2]
nb_samples <- length(qc.files)
# read a specified module in all files
# To read all modules, specify: modules = "all"
qc <- qc_read_collection(qc.files,
sample_names = paste('S', 1:nb_samples, sep = ''),
modules = "Per base sequence quality")
#> Reading: /private/var/folders/xm/8p6yj4bj6s57n4v_51714lwm0000gp/T/RtmpT6jSz8/temp_libpatha9b37e9f6eab/fastqcr/fastqc_results/S1_fastqc.zip
#> Reading: /private/var/folders/xm/8p6yj4bj6s57n4v_51714lwm0000gp/T/RtmpT6jSz8/temp_libpatha9b37e9f6eab/fastqcr/fastqc_results/S2_fastqc.zip